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July 2

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*1949 The LMS, and later BR, regularly ran excursions from Birmingham and the Black Country to [[Bewdley]] and [[Stourport]]. [[5164|Ex-GWR Large Prairie]] No 4116 was photographed at Bewdley on 2 July 1949 with the empty coaching stock of an excursion from Walsall.<ref>[[Bibliography#Books|Vanns (1998)]] p. 71.</ref>
*1955 Ex-GWR 4 6-0 No. 7810 'Draycott Manor' was photographed crossing [[Dowles Bridge]] with a goods train, running tender first.<ref>[[Bibliography#Books|Turley, Adrian, in Beddoes & Smith (1995)]]</ref>
==See also==
Trustworthy, administrator

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