Current events on the Severn Valley Railway

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This page provides a brief summary of current and forthcoming special events on the SVRSevern Valley Railway, and links to where further information can be found. Historical information will be moved to the latest history timeline page as necessary.

Links to sources of information

(Links will open in a new window)

The SVR Main Web Site is primarily aimed at the travelling public. It includes all the latest news relevant to that sector, including details of forthcoming events, timetables, locomotive rosters, ticket sales and so on.

The SVR YouTube channel hosts live webcams and a regular production of wide range of videos from across the SVRSevern Valley Railway.

SVR Live is also an official SVRSevern Valley Railway web site, for members, shareholders and enthusiasts. Information which is publicly accessible for enthusiasts includes Traffic Notices, Working Timetables and so on. Certain pages from time to time are secured for password-protected use by Working Members for internal communication on AGMs and the like. Until 2018 it also carried news announcements concerning matters like locomotive overhauls and infrastructure upgrades, plus regular updates from various sources, including social media and SVRSevern Valley Railway-related websites.

'Express Points' is the Working Members’ monthly newsletter which moved to an online only delivery in January 2017. It is distributed by email to those who have registered, and it also publicly accessible on SVRSevern Valley Railway Live, which includes an archive of past editions.

'Branch Lines' is a monthly newsletter for SVRSevern Valley Railway Members, Shareholders and supporters. It is published on SVRSevern Valley Railway Live, which includes an archive since April 2017.

SVRSevern Valley Railway Online’ and 'Microsoft Teams' and its associated 'SVRSevern Valley Railway TODAY' channel are secure password-protected intranet sites used by the SVRSevern Valley Railway for internal communication with staff and Working Members.

The SVRSevern Valley Railway has active official Social Media accounts on Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), TikTok and Instagram.

Forthcoming special events

2025 dates:[1][2]

15-16 March: Spring Gift Fayre
5-6 April: Open House Weekend
18-21 April: Spring Steam Gala (Easter weekend)
3-4 May: Model Railway Weekend
15-18 May: Spring Diesel Festival
7-8 & 14-15 June: Step Back to the 1940s
19 July: Day of Dance
27-27 July: Celebrating 60 Years of the SVRSevern Valley Railway
2-3 August: Brick Weekend
9-10 August: Vintage Transport Extravaganza
16 August: Singin' on the Train
23-24 August: Art & Craft Fayre
18-21 September: Autumn Steam Gala
2-5 October: Autumn Diesel Bash
18-19 October: O Gauge Get Together
25-26 October: Christmas Gift Fayre
30-31 October & 1 November: Ghost Trains
29 November – 24 December: Festive Season (selected dates)

See also


  1. SVRSevern Valley Railway leaflet published December 2024
  2. SVR website
