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Revision as of 18:16, 21 July 2016 by Danny252 (talk | contribs)
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I found a broken icon link which was referring to a "version 1241". I tried the fix we used before of adding "?action=purge" to the URL and reloading but no effect. Curiously, loading any previous version of this page from the history worked fine even though nothing had changed in the file reference.
A minor edit fixed that icon but broke another one.
A second minor edit fixed both.
As I edit this, i notice the url is Don't think I've seen that happen before. Possible problem? --Robin (talk) 16:48, 21 July 2016 (UTC)

Additional info, revisited the page and the second broken icon was wrong again (Map 1, Arley station which is just like all the other stations!). Tried another purge and different icons have the same problem. I won't try anything else for now.--Robin (talk) 16:57, 21 July 2016 (UTC)
The wiki does actually reside in the /version1241/ folder on the server - I can't say I remember why it was left there, but I suspect the answer is that we didn't know what would break if we tried moving it! Therefore, I don't think that should be the cause of the icon issues. I have a very, very vague recollection that it can take some time for icons to be generated, but I might be making that up. I also recall having some similar issues with icons seemingly randomly going disappearing (again, I think it was the map), but I can't think of what else happened...
Either way, all the icons appear to be working for me! --Danny252 (talk) 18:16, 21 July 2016 (UTC)