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Great Western (SVR) Association

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The Association began in 1968 as the 'Great Western Rolling Stock Fund' (also referred to as the 'GWR Coach Fund'), and quickly began to accumulate pre-nationalisation carriages which were being withdrawn from service by BR at the time.<ref name=GWSVRA>[ GW(SVR)A website ‘Background’] (retrieved 8 February 2019)</ref> In 1972 a separate group, the ‘Great Western Locomotive and Carriage Society’, was formed with the intention of saving a locomotive, [[GWR Mogul 7325 | Collett Mogul 9303/7325]], from [[Barry scrapyardScrapyard]].<ref>SVR News 25</ref> The two groups shared common aims and members, and in 1973 merged to form the Great Western (SVR) Association.<ref name=SVR128>SVR News 128, “The Great Western (SVR) Association celebrates 25 years”</ref> The first Annual General Meeting of the new Association was held on 18 May 1974.<ref>SVR News 34</ref>
The Association’s 25th Anniversary was noted in SVR News in 1998.<ref name=SVR128/> The Constitution which governs the Association’s status as a registered charity was adopted on 24 October 1998.<ref>Charities Commission website</ref>
Trustworthy, administrator

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