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LMR 600 Gordon

1 byte added, 14:20, 22 October 2015
The standard War Department [[Whyte notation | 2-8-0]] freight locomotive was a simplified version of the LMS 8F. The [[Whyte notation | 2-10-0]] design was introduced to give a reduced axle loading, mainly intended for overseas use where track quality could be worse than the UK. To enable the locomotive to negotiate sharp curves, the 2-10-0’s centre driving wheels are flangeless whilst the next pairs have reduced flanges (a feature continued in the BR Standard 9F).
Although of the 2-10-0 design was intended for overseas use, ‘Gordon’ only saw wartime service in the UK. Post-War, Gordon was mainly confined to the Longmoor Military Railway where, numbered 600, it was used by the Royal Engineers as a driver-training engine. However in 1957 during the Suez crisis, it is known to have worked highly secretive trains between Longmoor and Southampton.
Gordon’s last major steam event was the final open day at Longmoor camp on 5 July 1969.
Trustworthy, administrator

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