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GWR 2303 Fruit Van

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2303 was acquired by [[The GWR 813 Preservation Fund]], being delivered to [[Bewdley Down Yard|Bewdley]] on 24 November 1973.<ref name=SB9/><ref>SVR News 30</ref> It spent a period in use as a stores van for the Gresley Coach Fund.<ref name=SVR88>SVR News 88</ref> Some restoration work began in Autumn 1983;<ref>SVR News 69</ref> by spring 1984 all the roof timbers had been replaced and the body was being cleaned down and repainted.<ref>SVR News 71</ref> Further work was then postponed awaiting heavier repairs, which began when the van became the [[Wagon Department]]’s project for Winter 1987.<ref>SVR News 86</ref> The work carried out included overhauling the van’s mechanics and replacing corroded steel T-sections and rotten tongue and groove boards. New doors were built, the roof re-canvassed and the van repainted in GWR ‘Brown’ livery. 2303 returned to service in mid-1988, although a planned appearance in the 1988 June Freight Weekend parcels train was ended by a 'hot box' due to a broken spring in the bearing lubricating pad.<ref name=SVR88/>
2303 received a further repaint in 1993.<ref>SVR News 107</ref> {{As of|20172018|10}} it is operational undergoing work and is still owned a repaint at [[Bewdley Goods Shed]] by the GWR 813 Preservation Fund[[Wagon Department]].
It is owned by the GWR 813 Preservation Fund. ==See Alsoalso==[[Goods Wagons | List of goods wagons]]<br>[[Rolling stock currently under restoration]]
Trustworthy, administrator

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