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BR 1856 Restaurant Miniature Buffet

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1856 was built at Wolverton in 1961 to diagram number 99 of lot number 30670. It was fitted with Commonwealth Bogies which enabled running at 100mph, and was also briefly fitted with a payphone while in service.
1856 entered service in February 1962 in BR's Eastern region, numbered E1856. The carriage later saw service in the Midland region as M1856 from June 1967, returning to the Eastern region by 1982.<ref>[[Bibliography#Other References|Longworth (2013)]] p.24.</ref>.
1856 was withdrawn from service on 27 September 27th 1988, having run 75,206 miles since its last classified repair on 7th 7 July 1987 at Wolverton where it received one replacement bogie. Having been acquired by [[SVR(H)]], it arrived on the SVR on 16 November 1989 from Cambridge. Despite the short period of use since its last repair it required several months of work, including some welding on one side to consolidate an earlier BR repair and complete redecoration inside and out. Several of the doors also had to be repaired, necessitating welding the aluminium window fixings and replacing a number of wooden panels.<ref>SVR News 94,96</ref>
In spring 1999 sister RMB [[BR 1853 Restaurant Miniature Buffet|1853]] was also acquired by the SVR. By that time 1856 was looking in tired condition after nearly 10 years in SVR service. The decision was therefore taken for 1853 to be painted crimson and cream so it could replace 1856 in set C, with 1856 then being allocated to another set after overhaul.<ref>SVR News 135</ref>
In 2002 it was further decided that 1856 would be outshopped in BR's GW livery as used on BR(W) Mark ls during the 1957 to 1961 period.<ref>SVR News 142</ref> It re-entered service in Set GWR2, the GWR Chocolate and Cream running set in November 2003 after major repairs to the ends, new battery boxes and substantial re-plumbing. It then transferred into the Severn Valley Limited dining set (Set S) in 2006, replacing [[LMS 149 Buffet Car]] which had been running in chocolate and cream livery since 1996.<ref>SVR News 155,156, 163</ref>
More recently, 1856 has reverted to use in [[Carriages#Set_GW2|Set GWR2GW2]], the GWR Chocolate and Cream running set. It is owned by [[Severn Valley Railway (Holdings) PLC | SVR(H)]].
==See also==
Trustworthy, administrator

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