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Bewdley Bypass Bridge

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The Bewdley Bypass Bridge (Bridge 8) was built in 1986, allowing the new A456 bypass to go through the embankment adjacent to [[Sandbourne Viaduct]]. The SVR already owned and used this section of the line and so, unlike the [[Bridgnorth Bypass Bridge]], the construction was at no cost to the Railway.
In order to minimise disruption to the SVR, the contractors A. Monk & Co Ltd. built the bridge between May and October 1986 on a concrete track south of the embankment, approximately 150ft from its final position. Immediately after the last train on Sunday 19 October, the track and signal wires on the embankment were removed by SVR staff and volunteers. The embankment was removed by the contractors the following day and construction of the foundations and north wing walls took place over the next 2 weeks. On 6 November, large hydraulic rams were used to jack all 2,500 tons of the new bridge into place; a process which went without incident. By 26 November the south wing wall was complete and the remaining embankment had been reinstated. A final effort by the SVR PW and S&T staff saw the bridge re-ballasted, the track laid and signalling equipment re-connected in time for the first [[Christmas services|Santa Special services ]] on Saturday 29 November.
Trustworthy, administrator

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